Pattern in Islamist bombings …

August 2, 2010

“Those who follow the pattern of the Islamist bombing campaign know that to label it ‘anti Western’ is to misinform. This misinformed narrative argues that because of various historical injustices perpetrated by ‘ The West’ , radical Islam has begun to hit back, and if only ‘we’ stopped meddling in the affairs of Muslim countries the violence would stop. Sunday night’s bombings in Uganda give lie to that narrative, as do numerous examples over the last decade.” [Tim Marshall]

Greatest deliberative body in free world is a slut farm …

July 29, 2010

In terms of her profession, Nancy Pelosi is the poorest representative in memory, let alone the most secularly-execrable Speaker of the House in American’s brief  history … with some variations, the same can be said for Harry Reid in the Senate.

These two, along with their Republican and Democratic accomplices make up the most distrusted major institution in American history; with a rating of less than 12 percent support, they are clearly the most unpopular Congress ever.

Gallup’s annual update on confidence in institutions finds just 12% of Americans expressing confidence in Congress, the lowest of the 16 institutions tested this year, and the worst rating Gallup has measured for any institution in the 35-year history of this question. [ Gallup poll]

Even Big Business out polls them.

The American voter, though known as patently ignorant, is not stupid.  Again and again, they wonder how their elected representatives could be so calloused to their needs and concerns.

This Congress, and several of its predecessors, has abdicated all responsibility and authority – both political and moral.

Perhaps the lips of the corpse trembles and the embalmer’s mirror fogs, but the body is as dead as a Texas Armadillo on Interstate 10.

Continuing to accommodate the socialists’ headlock on our nation, Obama’s secular monarchy, and this congress are endangering our Republic, even democracy itself.

What was once a decent and great deliberative body has become a duplicitous, baleful, non-representative, embarrassing and uncaring bowery of whores, and a destructive coating on the people’s trust – the government of the United States of America is now nothing short of a political brothel.

In a democracy, the responsibility of the people towards governments also permits them an input to those governments. [Citizens] should always be prepared to contend for justice, truth and liberty. Where these are threatened and the threat goes unchecked, the world will be made all the darker, and the affairs of men made all the more godless. [Cranmer]

Intrinsic to a free republic – above all other forms of government – is the importance of each individual as created and endowed by God. That republic is chartered, by the people, to allow for its own interrogation,  correction, and chastisement – each of these is necessary from time to time, as a result of man’s fallen and corrupted nature.

It does so by emphasizing that powerful officers of government are accountable to the people (apparently anathema to the politician’s worldview). It is human to screw up, national governments subject to the will of a fallible electorate can, and do, make mistakes, but they are able to rectify their mistakes … and so they maintain and perpetuate their fiduciary responsibilities.

When they refuse, a spirit of tyranny supplants freedom and liberty,  and totalitarianism, in all its perverted and virulent forms, like mold, begins to grow. Everything in the people’s lives comes under the control of one federal authority, opposition is not tolerated, to question those in authority is treason, and to open corruption to the light is heretical.

To the Supreme Court I say, the American people are angry. They are humbly beseeching you, the only organ of our constitutional republic whose bed sheets remain unsullied by the sordid disclosures of recent years, to intervene, in your role as protectors of the Rule of Law, in order to preserve the peace and security of our Republic.

The people’s House of Representatives and the people’s Senate have failed them … the Executive branch is a useless bloated pig, whose departments and agencies have become crippled with the gout of their dissipation. You alone in your deliberations can begin to reverse the damages of the past half century of progressive philosophies.

While the free and independent citizens of this land suffer recession and hardship, with hundreds of thousands losing their jobs, their homes, and their businesses, many members of Congress (who purport to represent them) are milching the federal udder, while many others are guilty of deception, profligacy and fraud.

The people have lost confidence in their elected representatives; too many appear arrogant, haughty and detached. They are shameless in their scandal. The reputation of their assembly is sullied, their members are debauched and policies debased. The oath of their office – sworn before God and in the presence of this nations’ citizens – is meaningless.

This patriot beseeches all Americans, of all persuasions, to join together in this new but not so civil war and force a change upon this Congress – and perhaps this president and vice-president.

Any elected or appointed federal official unwilling to support the will of the people and the sovereignty of the states (Tenth Amendment) should resign or be forced from office.

There can be no place in public life for those who’ve shown a disregard  for their obligations to the people. Disgrace and disingenuousness have replaced integrity and trust. Surreptitious greed and outrageous avarice have corrupted this once noble American institution.

More than any time in two centuries plus, our government is in need of honest, fearless and morally upright people. It is time for America to have its Cromwell (who spoke thus to England’s parliament in his day):

It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.

Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter’d your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?

Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil’d this sacred place, and turn’d the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress’d, are yourselves gone!

So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. In the name of God, go!

We feel we can do little more than call upon the people:

In the name of God my fellow citizens, let us rid this land of this ship of fools through the courts and the polls … the sooner the better.

Which will prevail in the end …

July 29, 2010

ATTENTION: Abdicators, Accommodators, and Capitulators –

IF you really believe Islam is a peaceful religion, AND that fanatical Jihadists are in a minority, THEN tell me: in a global struggle for dominance between those two factions, which one do you believe will prevail in the end?

Aha! SO, you’re siding with the faction which wants to destroy your country, your culture, its traditions, your children’s future and kill you.

You okay with that?

Remember, Islam is not truly a religion … it is a secular state within a state.

The worst possible moments …

July 28, 2010

Apathy is a powerful enemy and weariness, his companion is a worthy adversary; my selfishness and my flesh bring them together to oppose my strength and commitment at the worst possible moments.

Ever been there?

Painful, enduring, and lasting wounds …

July 28, 2010

A really good friend reminded me recently that the most painful wounds are those that are self-inflicted.

I would add that those inflicted by trusted friends take the longest to heal.

A Facebook friend, Charlie Gibson, said, “And those inflicted by your family/significant other, leave lasting scars.”

Opposed by so many …

July 28, 2010

In this world I seek no more than life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness … how is it that I covet so little and yet am opposed by so many?

Two for one – The sequel …

July 28, 2010

When you feel like you need to be cheered up, remember so does someone else; you begin with him (or her) and end with you … two for one is a good deal!

[The original “Two for one …”]

Two for one …

July 26, 2010

Two things can be eliminated from everyone’s life it we control just one of the two:

  1. worry concerning things we’ve no control over and
  2. anxiety about tomorrow

Lose the latter and the former takes care of itself.

Of Chickens & Eggs or Maybe Vice Versa …

January 12, 2010

“..this is the victory that has overcome the world–our faith.” 1 John 5:4b

Notice the context (5:2-3) of our victory over the world is by way of keeping God’s commandments; however, it’s not the obedience which brings about the victory but rather the faith that brings about the obedience that does.