Pattern in Islamist bombings …

August 2, 2010

“Those who follow the pattern of the Islamist bombing campaign know that to label it ‘anti Western’ is to misinform. This misinformed narrative argues that because of various historical injustices perpetrated by ‘ The West’ , radical Islam has begun to hit back, and if only ‘we’ stopped meddling in the affairs of Muslim countries the violence would stop. Sunday night’s bombings in Uganda give lie to that narrative, as do numerous examples over the last decade.” [Tim Marshall]

Which will prevail in the end …

July 29, 2010

ATTENTION: Abdicators, Accommodators, and Capitulators –

IF you really believe Islam is a peaceful religion, AND that fanatical Jihadists are in a minority, THEN tell me: in a global struggle for dominance between those two factions, which one do you believe will prevail in the end?

Aha! SO, you’re siding with the faction which wants to destroy your country, your culture, its traditions, your children’s future and kill you.

You okay with that?

Remember, Islam is not truly a religion … it is a secular state within a state.