Nothing is clear any more …

July 26, 2010

See … I was right! On and on it goes!

Freedom of speech is a natural right and yet lawyers and courts have so muddied the waters that nothing is clear any more …

Muddying the waters of liberty …

July 26, 2010

The Federalists were right when they tried to limit additions to our Constitution prior to its ratification; this was based on a fear the efforts of men to explain legally and exhaustively our birth-rights would simply muddy an already difficult apologetic.

Their reservations have proven to be spot on! Recent SCOTUS decisions only point out that as long as we allow politicians, lawyers and courts to tell us what God meant when He gave us our natural rights, we’ll continue to live in a legalistic and debilitating morass. Every case, brought before and decided by a court, only complicates our existence as a free people.

When man is involved he automatically (though mostly unwittingly) acts as a corrupting agent in his own world.

Vetting the American Narrative – Imperative …

January 16, 2010

Geoffrey P. Hunt, writing in the American Thinker, revealed something about our sitting president which ought to warn Americans about the men and women we allow to nurse at the public teat, regardless of their political affiliations or persuasions.

Obama doesn’t have a narrative.  No, not a narrative about himself.  He has a self-narrative, much of it fabricated, cleverly disguised or written by someone else.  But this self-narrative is isolated and doesn’t connect with us.  He doesn’t have an American narrative that draws upon the rest of us.

In this country,  as to possession of an American narrative, voters must vet those who want to serve. That, in my mind, is what electrified us about Sarah Palin. A cursory exam of President Reagan would quickly show his.

Do we really want people without a connection to the historical American family serving in public office? Nay, I say, nay!

A review of this country’s greatest political debacles would show poisonous shrubs, absent healthy roots.

WEALTH: Since January 20, 2009

June 25, 2009

Let no man seek his own, but every man another’s wealth.

1 Corinthians 10:24

Until January 20, 2009, wealth (discretionary property in the private sector) in the United States was always viewed as under the legal control of its possessor (i.e., earner/inheritor).

Since January 20, 2009, it has become increasingly clear our federal government sees this as an anachronistic view; the former is now morphing into the view that wealth belongs to the state, regardless of source or title (e.g., AIG, GM, Chrysler, health care industry & taxpayers).

Perhaps the illegal enactment of the income tax was the true genesis of this morphing and what we now see taking place … a slow usurping of states rights and therefore individual rights.

Since its formation, Americans have understood the dangers of an untethered central government, yet, in spite of the dangers, they have persistently cooperated with it and its programs.

This predilection has set the American people up, painting them into a no-win corner by the current administration (specifically regarding their 14th Amendment rights).

Rampant ignorance of the US Constitution and the Founder’s intentions, compounded by voter apathy, has endangered us all, as well as our possessions.

This government is patently and egregiously dangerous to its people; if SCOTUS does not find a way to intervene on behalf of the American people, those people are doomed.